January 2022 Newsletter
Welcome from CEO Mark Bustard
A belated Happy New Year on behalf of the IBioIC team.
IBioIC has started the year on the front foot for delivering success, with the launch of two funding competitions. The IBioIC Spin Out Support programme and the IBioIC Feasibility Fund competitions are open for applications, with both calls having up to £20k funding available.
2021 had many positive wins for the industrial biotechnology community, and I am very proud of our impact for Scotland and more widely. I was delighted to see so many of you in person at the IBioIC COP26 receptions held in Glasgow with Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise Ivan McKee MSP. A big win for the bioeconomy came in December, with the news that as part of the Falkirk Growth Deal, £10m has been set aside for a Bioeconomy Accelerator Pilot Plant to develop new sustainable processes.
Lastly, a warm welcome to Johnson Matthey, Prickly Thistle, Hexis Lab, BioSimetrics, Hyaltech, Advetec and Microplate Dx as the newest members to join the IBioIC community network.
Best wishes,