New site showcases IBioIC scale-up facilities


The New Year heralded the launch of a new website for IBioIC’s Scale-Up Centres, highlighting the range of expertise, services and equipment access available through these well-equipped facilities.

FlexBio (at Heriot-Watt University) and RapidBio (at the University of Strathclyde) were established to help companies address the ‘valley of death’ for bio-based product development – transitioning a novel process from lab-bench to semi-pilot scale production (30L).

The facilities have a highly skilled team of 8 that offer expertise spanning upstream process optimisation, downstream processing, and data analysis. They are keen to help any academic researcher or company R&D team needing advice and support in converting great ideas into commercially viable products and services. The facility also offers a range of hands-on training courses, check out the website to find out more.

Check out the new website to find out more about our upstream and downstream process optimisation capabilities and read some case studies.

If you’d like more information, or to discuss a project, please drop us an email Expert advice is readily available from our team to assist with all aspects of project development, the identification and securing of funding, to full technical delivery and reporting.

Valerie Evans