Launch of the Scottish Natural Products Network (SNaPNet)

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Over 120 attendees tuned in for the launch event of the Scottish Natural Products Network (SNaPNet) on the 25th February.

SNaPNet is a collaboration between the BCB, SULSA, SAIC and ScotCHEM, and the launch event was designed to bring together multi-disciplinary, cross-sectoral stakeholders to shape the future goals and direction of the network.

The field of Natural Products (NP) encompasses a diverse range of areas including engineering biology, biomass & waste products and drug discovery.

Attendees at the launch event had the opportunity to join a series of facilitated discussions considering Scotland’s NP research and innovation strengths, the nature of a successful network, and the NP skills pipeline. Attendees were also able to engage with virtual ‘posters’ showcasing businesses and academic research projects active in the NP space.

The team is busy reviewing the outputs arising from the launch event, and these will be used to structure the nature and content of workshops later in the year.

Keep an eye on the BCB events calendar for further details, or contact Kim Cameron to find out more.

Valerie Evans